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Become the gardener of your subconscious mind - 27th October 2022


Regardless of whether you are a gardener or not you will appreciate that in a garden weeds are less desirable than beautiful flowers of your choice. Had you ever thought of your subconcious mind as a garden?




I've written before about my adrenal exhaustion and how it felt like total overwhelm. I soon came to appreciate that overwhelm had crept up on me. It didn't appear in my life overnight, even though it felt a bit like that for a while.


My own coach uses this analogy of weeds in a garden, and I love it, because it is much more visual than pondering what an overwhelmed mind might look like. Also, of course, if you are overwhelmed then it can be really hard to find a way forward. On the other hand, if you have a sense that the garden of your subconscious mind is choked with pernicious weeds, then it's much easier to have a sense of what you must do to feel better.


Step One - identifying your weeds


You know how it is, certain weeds can look quite attractive, right? You need to get down on your metaphorical knees, and examine your beliefs very closely. Are they weeds? Or are they flowers to be treasured? It might get a bit muddy down there, but you can't skip this step for obvious reasons.

For example, "I must always put others first", sounds like it is a very altruistic belief and as such you might assume it to be a beautiful flower. Hold on a minute though, what about putting yourself first most of the time?


Some weeds are a bit like an enormous clump of bindweed, they are clearly not wanted, but might be hard to extract.


For example, "everything I touch always goes wrong!"



Step Two - remove the weeds


There are various ways to tackle your weeding. Now you know what those weeds are you can ensure they are deprived of daylight and water. In other words notice when they pop up - and IGNORE them. Disown these beliefs! Write them on scraps of paper and tear them up - or burn them!

It's hard to disown beliefs that have been in your head for most of your life. Hence, you need to also apply weedkiller. Weedkiller in this instance comes in the form of practices like meditation, mindfulness, connecting with nature, being creative, dancing. Any activity that helps you feel your own worthiness. Think of something you enjoy that takes you out of that weedy garden and lifts you up with joy. Take care of your inner child during this phase and let her know that she can cry with you if she needs to. Healing is definitely a part of the weeding process and the best way I know to access healing is via the inner child. Give her the love she never got when you were little.



Step Three - plant beautiful flowers


As the weeds begin to shrivel up you can plant your flowers. In your subconcious mind garden these are new beliefs. Positive life enhancing beliefs. Choose beliefs that are the opposite to your weed beliefs.

So, using the same examples as above,

"I love and nurture myself every day."

"Everything I touch is a success!"


The only way to ensure that your new flowers flourish in your garden is to give them lots of loving attention. So write down a list of new beliefs and keep adding to that list every time you encounter a new weed. Read this list of new beliefs out loud several times a day. First thing in the morning will set you up for a good day and before bed is good as well. Read them as someone who has total belief in what she is saying - even if it feels like a stretch to begin with.

So often I have found with clients that a big part of their clutter issues at home is connected to the weedy garden of their subconscious mind. 


If you want to have some support with this process please contact me. I can help you spot the weeds you might not even notice!






Keywords: beliefs, head-clutter, self-worth


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