Judith's Jottings
Below are my monthly jottings about various aspects of decluttering. You can also click on a keyword to view all relevant 'jottings'.
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• Here's why people pleasers accumulate clutter
I've noticed that many of my clients have this trait and I've concluded they accumulate clutter because of their people pleasing behaviour. Think this might be you? Then read on!
• Become the gardener of your subconscious mind
Regardless of whether you are a gardener or not you will appreciate that in a garden weeds are less desirable than beautiful flowers of your choice. Had you ever thought of your subconcious mind as a garden?
If you know you are an over thinker, that's good because it means you have awareness. You can't change behaviour until you have a conscious awareness of that behaviour. On the other hand, maybe you don't really know what I mean by over thinking? In that case I suggest you read on!
Does life feel like an uphill struggle?
Do you feel like you will never be able to have what it is you really want?
Do you just feel stuck?
Is it even possible to be too nice? Surely not?
• Is your head full of self-imposed rules?
This blog post was prompted by me noticing my own thought processes recently. Specifically in relation to the monthly newsletter I send out to subscribers.
• Walk away from chronic anxiety
Many of my clients experience chronic anxiety. Being constantly in that state is overwhelming. I know, because I've been there.
There can be no doubt, 2020 has been a terrible year for many people.
What about 2021? Would you like to feel better this year?
• What will you gift yourself, this Christmas?
This is not about a gift that can be wrapped, this is about the gifts that reside inside of you and are as yet unexplored.
• Meditation - a remedy for overwhelm?
Have you ever considered learning to meditate? Maybe you've held back because you think it won't work for you? I used to feel the same but now have a completely different perspective! If you experience 'head clutter' then I strongly recommend that you give it a go.
Sometimes we get disappointed in life when things don't quite work out how we had hoped. What happens next is what's really important!